Configuration Manager enables drush to generate configuration files for you Drupal environment. Using drush commands, configuration manager allows you to generate Nginx virtual hosts, cron.d files, logrotate configuration files and Drupal settings.php files and including the ability to restart services when configuration changes.

This project is actively developed with Drush Debian Packaging in mind. It abstracts components out from the debian packaging process so that they maybe used agnostic to the operating system.

Supported services

  • Nginx (loosely based on the work by Perusio)
  • Drupal database configuration and sites/default/files partitioning
  • cron
  • logrotate
  • PHP5-FPM (PHP 5.3)

Project information

  • Created by Josh Waihi on , updated
  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    Look for the shield icon below.
