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The Chatter Box module provides a simple node-based chat system. A block is provided with
a simplified comment reply form and a list of comments. Each chat post is actually a comment on a node.

The 6-dev version now uses ahah to reload the chat form and display new messages. It is compatible with the captcha module.

Chatter box is similar to Shoutbox, but additionally provides archived chats and additional configuration.

- Allows placement of chat input in any theme region.
- Automatic and self-maintaining (with Cronplus). A new chat node can be created, and comments closed on the old one.
- Chats are archived and indexed for searching just like any node comments.
- Chat posts may be administered like regular comments, with permissions, moderation, editing, deletion.
- Compatible with the captcha module.

Configurable features
- Selection of content type to be used as chat nodes.
- Number of comments in the list.
- Truncation of comments to specified length
- Auto creation of new nodes (with Cronplus module
- Set default title and body for new nodes. Date can be inserted.
- Select date format for use in default text.
- Set comments to read only on the closed node.

- This module intends for the Chatter block to be placed on the front page.
- Note that if you also place the block on the node page, the node's comment form will also be simplified.
- With the Block Refresh module (, new comments by other users appear automatically in the block.
- You may want to create a new content type just for this module.

More information is available in the README.txt

Project information
