templates list
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Ckeditor templates ui adds user interface pages to manage ckeditor templates for CKEditor Templates module and CKEditor 5 Template module.

Which branch to choose

If you are working with CKeditor 4 you will need 8.x-1.x branch
If you are working with CKeditor 5 you will need 2.x branch


8.x-1.x branch
This module requires the following:
CKEditor Templates module
CKEditor Templates plugin

2.x branch
This module requires the following:
CKEditor 5 Template module


1- Follow instructions for CKEditor Templates module or CKEditor 5 Template module
2- Enable ckeditor templates ui module
3- Go to admin/config/content/ckeditor_templates
4- Add custom templates
(note: there is no need to copy ckeditor_templates.js to your theme)

This module is sponsored by Coders Enterprise Web & Mobile Solutions

Supporting organizations: 

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