Preview color schemes without page reload.
For example, when you at admin/build/themes/settings/nista and choose another scheme the styles will be applied instantly similar to how it done in another your module, e.g. "style" and because each scheme has stylesheet and images generated.

Also I would like to try to do it myself and appreciate any advice about anything I must be pay attention to in the first place, if any :)

btw, what is future of this project? it seems you working on few others and this one looks stalled, any plans?


JurriaanRoelofs’s picture

I use this in my premium themes in and every now and then I port my newly developed features back to my free open source basetheme:

Live preview is one of those features :)

Feel free to implement it in the module or in your custom themes!

JurriaanRoelofs’s picture

A tip if you implement it in your own theme: only use live preview on as few elements as absolutely necessary because the livepreview slows down the dragging function of the farbtastic color picker and thereby impair usability.
Also note that it works much better on modern browsers that use a Javascript opcode cache like in chrome's V8 engine and firefox's tracemonkey.

1kenthomas’s picture

1+; //subscribing

Does this module still have life left?