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Drupal 8 - Commerce 2.x

Please follow and help with Commerce 2.x core issue : #2828525: Implement manual payment gateways

Offline payments for Drupal Commerce 2.x.
For now there is nothing sure about Offline payments in Commerce 2.x
This could be part of Commerce 2.x core.
At least some Offline capabilities will need to be built in the Commerce 2.x core.
However some developing proposal will be available on github:

Drupal 7 - Commerce 1.x

Alternative for offline payments for Drupal Commerce.
This module might be a single replacement for all these modules:

*** Important: There are submodules (Features) in the package built which could used as they are, as replacements of these modules.
The contributed module should be disabled and the corresponding features enabled.

These prebuilt offline Payments/features could be used also as examples for new custom Commerce offline payments.

How it works

  • Store administrators can create custom DISTINCT offline payments.
    Administration > Store > Configuration >Manage custom offline payments (admin/commerce/config/custom-offline-payments)
  • For every custom offline payment the store administrator can set the Title (& id), description of the payment method and also an information that could be used for payment option information.
  • The custom offline payments will automatically added as payment method, disabled or enabled, based on their status property.
  • With every custom offline payment defined the store administrators can create new Payment method Rules.
  • Features integration - The custom offline payments can be used as Features.
  • Drupal Commerce Payment Transaction Fields integration - Define fieldable payment to build extra data.
    Implementation issue : #2220197: Integration with Drupal Commerce Payment Transaction Fields.

Developed & sponsored by Commerce Guys.

Initially developed & sponsored by Commerce Guys & i-KOS.

There is alternative to this module for offline payments : Commerce Offsite Payment module provides a new payment where the store administrators can add "offline payments definitions" as options for this payment method and its rules.

Supporting organizations: 
Developed & sponsored by
Commerce 2.x developing

Project information
