Settings Form
Order Total
Line-Item Summary

This module is an extension of Drupal Commerce that provides a display formatter for the Commerce Price field in which you can specify the decimal places are displayed.

If you do not know how to alter the number of decimal places Commerce provides by default, the Commerce Currency Settings module can help you.


  • Display formatter with n decimals.
  • Display formatter with n decimals and components.
  • Views handler for line-item summary with n decimals.
  • Views handler for order total with n decimals.
  • Sub-Module for add support to other formatters:




  1. Place this module directory in your "modules" folder (this will usually be "sites/all/modules/").
    Don't install your module in Drupal core's "modules" folder, since that will cause problems and is bad practice in general.
    If "sites/all/modules" doesn't exist yet, just create it.
  2. Enable the module.
  3. Visit manage display of any commerce price field to learn about the various settings.


Supporting organizations: 

Project information
