Config Actions provides a pluggable framework for easily manipulating configuration data via simple YAML files with the goal of creating truly reusable software components in Drupal.

Example use cases include:

  • Templates : the ability to provide a configuration template file containing variables that can be reused and replaced to create new configuration. For example, a template for adding a certain field to a content type where the content type isn't yet known.
  • Override : the ability to easily 'override' configuration provided by core or other modules. These is not "live" overrides system but simply a method to import changes into the config system.

NOTE: This is a Developers module and requires creating custom modules containing YAML files that contain the config actions to be performed.


Documentation is here and within the /docs folder of the project code.

Related Projects

  • Config Override : creates "live" overrides of configuration within modules or site settings.
  • Config Split : splits configuration sync into different folders for importing. Useful for environment-specific config import.
  • Config Filter : API module used by Config Split that allows filters to be applied to the config import and export process.
  • Features : UI for exporting config to custom modules. Allows modules to import pre-existing configuration.
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