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This module let's you clone and couple nodes in different ways and between different node types. This module doesn't provide a UI on it's own. Everything is triggered and configured through Rules. While the same result potentially could be built with Rules + VBO or Node Clone + custom alter hook, this module provides a more dynamic way of cloning.

This module can also couple clones in different ways. The coupling settings will affect how clones are updated when the original node updates. The same thing is possible to configure for the delete behavior.

Overall there are two types of mappings:

  • Straight - will map fields straight between clones
  • Similar - will map fields straight between clones, but will also map similar fields (ignoring a substring of the node type name)


"Similar clone" of a page to a story...

$node->type = 'page';
$node->title = 'Hello world';
$node->field_page_teaser[0]['value'] = 'Lorem ipsum';
$node->field_page_body[0]['value'] = 'Dolor sit ahmet'; possible to clone to:

$node->type = 'story';
$node->title = 'Hello world';
$node->field_story_teaser[0]['value'] = 'Lorem ipsum';
$node->field_story_body[0]['value'] = 'Dolor sit ahmet';


You have the following options when triggering cloning of a node:

Node type:

  • New node type (choose which node type the clone shall have)

Clone settings:

  • Clone, straight
  • Clone, similar

Coupling settings:

  • No coupling
  • Clone downstream, straight
  • Clone downstream, similar
  • Clone upstream, straight
  • Clone upstream, similar
  • Cross coupling, straight
  • Cross coupling, similar

Delete settings:

  • Nothing
  • Delete downstream
  • Delete upstream
  • Cross delete


This module is built and maintained by dixon_ and fabsor from NodeOne.

Project information
