Hello, I have managed to setup dashplayer, and have it working in a popup. Currently it works PERFECT with individual songs (passes NID as argument), works nicely with playlists (passes view_name as argument). Where I'm having in issue is loading a views "display".

I have a view: songs_list
default: shows all songs
display1 (Block): Users Songs
display2 (block): Favorited Songs
display3 (Block): New songs

Each display has a different argument override. I can pass dashplayer "song_list" as a playlist in the embed code and it works fine. How can I set the playlist to songs_list:display1 ? Is it possible?

Currently to save space, I put all similar lists under 1 view, with different displays. Most if not all my other modules allow me to choose a display when working with views, etc.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


travist’s picture

Yeah, you can do this...

Basically what you need to do is pass the view to the player using the arg parameter. Basically how this work is as follows...

Suppose your argument to your view is called "users" to show the users videos. Your code will then look like this.

   $params['playlist'] = 'songs_list';
   $params['arg1'] = 'users';
   print dashplayer_get_player( $params );

Hope this helps.
