Daterange Simplify's field formatter options

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Provides a field formatter to simplify daterange field output. Easily create simplified date and time range phrases like "October 5, 2013, 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM."

This formatter wraps (which is based on the range formatter in fullCalendar) to provide a simplified set of date range output options outside of the standard Drupal date format configuration. Format options for date and time are enumerated by the PHP IntlDateFormatter class:

IntlDateFormatter::NONE (integer)
    Do not include this element 
IntlDateFormatter::FULL (integer)
    Completely specified style (Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD or 3:30:42pm PST) 
IntlDateFormatter::LONG (integer)
    Long style (January 12, 1952 or 3:30:32pm) 
IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM (integer)
    Medium style (Jan 12, 1952) 
IntlDateFormatter::SHORT (integer)
    Most abbreviated style, only essential data (12/13/52 or 3:30pm) 

See for more details. For non 'en' locales, the PHP extension php-intl is required.

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