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Domain Admin adds more granular permissions to the Domain Access module and several of its sub-modules.

Currently the module allows the site admin to delegate the following tasks:

  • Editing of domain record, domain settings and domain theme
  • Administer primary and secondary menus (also navigation in D6)
  • Administer book outline/ rearrange child pages of nodes on domain (requires book module)
  • View webform results on domain (requires webform module)
  • Add and edit terms assigned to own domain (requires Domain Taxonomy module)

The latest edition of the D7 module now has domain 3.x capability - please test and give feedback!

The granularity of the assignable permissions can be determined by the site admin - some site admins will just want to delegate all power over a domain to their domain managers and don't want their permissions page cluttered up with lots of checkboxes, whereas others may want to delegate some aspects of domain administration and withhold others. Hence there is a setting that allows the admin to choose between having one "administer own domains" permission or a lot of smaller permissions.

The module comes with an admin interface that aims to easily group all domain admin tasks in one location (In D6 this is a block, in D7 users can choose between block and overhead toolbar). The domain administration block currently contains the following links:

  • Edit domain record, settings and themes
  • View/rearrange pages of entire book or child pages of current node
  • Create content on a per-type level
  • Manage domain navigation, primary and secondary navigation
  • The block also contains a link to help page for contributors - this link can be specified on the domain settings page

In the settings page you can choose which links appear and which don't. The block also contains hooks for external modules to add their own administration tasks.

There is also a submodule called Domain Admin User, which will allow a domain manager to search for users via autocomplete and add them to their domains.

Module developed by Ergon Logic Enterprises and Vasudeva Server

Project information
