I have tried to set configuration translation for a node type when the site default language differed from the English. The translate page of the content type become and remain unusable: "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later."

To reproduce:

  1. Install a new Drupal site:
    drush site-install standard --db-url=mysql://drupal810:drupal810@localhost/drupal810 --site-name=Test --account-name=admin --account-pass=password -y
    drush en config_translation -y
  2. Log in as admin and add a new language (I added the Hungarian) to the site (sorry, I did not find working Drush command for this step)
  3. Set the new language as site default
  4. Go to the Article type's edit page (/hu/admin/structure/types/manage/article) and change the "Title" field's value to EngTitle, then save the result

After this sequence both the Article edit page and translate page is unavailable throwing the "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later." message.


zolt_toth created an issue. See original summary.

zolt_toth’s picture

The dblog contains the following item after step four for each reload on the Article type edit page:

RuntimeException: A config mapper can only contain configuration for a single language. in Drupal\config_translation\ConfigNamesMapper->getLangcode() (line 393 of xxxx\core\modules\config_translation\src\ConfigNamesMapper.php).