This module give us opportunity to append extra description to the field.

In almost all themes extra description located below the field.

Sometimes needed to append extra description above the field, see attached example.

Module "Extra field description" is the best solution.


Similar modules*
Label help This module do same, but in another way. And Extra field description have some new features, i.e. multiple fields.


  • Create more beautifull theming
  • Extra description for any places where we need help text
  • Append opportunity show description in small popup(with link to open)

For Drupal 7
Supported field API types:

  1. Textfield
  2. File/image field
  3. Select field
  4. Checkbox
  5. Radios
  6. Textarea

Supported themes:

  1. Bartik
  2. Rubik
  3. Adminimal
  4. Seven

In other themes should looks good, but not tested.

For Drupal 8
You can configure extra description for each field in Content type Manage Form
Display settings(example:-/admin/structure/types/manage/article/form-display).

Supporting organizations: 
Drupal 8 Version
Drupal 7 Version
Development and maintenance

Project information
