Exposes facets from a facets source as Drupal Form API elements.


Even displayed as a dropdown select or checkboxes, the facet widgets are rendered as link lists. Then a JavaScript snippet is responsible to convert them into form elements, such as <select> or <input type="checkbox">.

This has some drawbacks:

  • Even the widgets are displayed as form elements, they are not piped through Drupal Form API. As a consequence, third-party code cannot perform form alterations, and they are not subject to standard Form API elements theming.
  • The current Facets implementation is applying the filter as soon as the element is selected or checked. This is a UX issue, mostly on mobile devices. Also, it doesn't allow scenarios where the user wants to do multiple filter selection before the filters are submitted.


This module depends on Facets and requires this patch. If you use Composer, the patch will be automatically downloaded for you, otherwise you'll need to apply the patch manually. Please, support the patch adoption in https://www.drupal.org/project/facets/issues/3223956.


  • Facets Form provides a block containing a form for each facets source.
  • By default, each block is exposing all eligible facets. But the site builder is able to limit the list of facets to be exposed from the block configuration.
  • The "submit" and "reset" buttons labels can be also be configured on block level.
  • Eligible facets are all facets using widgets plugins that are extending the \Drupal\facets_form\FacetsFormWidgetInterface. Facets Form module ships with two widgets, aiming to provide a Form API alternative to Facets module native widgets:
    • Dropdown (inside form) facets_form_dropdown
    • Checkboxes (inside form) facets_form_checkbox
  • The facets_form_date_range sub-module provides a third, bonus, date range widget.


Third-party modules can provide additional widgets to be usable inside forms, by implementing the \Drupal\facets_form\FacetsFormWidgetInterface interface.

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