
Favorites provides a tiny block that allows users to easily bookmark any content of the site.


  • Easy to install and easy to configure.
  • Add and delete favorites with few clicks.
  • Have as many bookmarks per user as desired.
  • Enter custom names for each bookmark.
  • Also saves search results etc. by storing the query string (other than similar modules).
  • Now also works for anonymous users (cookie based).


  1. Install the module.
  2. Activate it.
  3. Place the User favorites block in a region or panel of your choice (remember to configure the block, if necessary).
  4. Set the user permissions to determine which users may have their custom favorites block.
  5. Done.

Simple usage

  • Add a favorite: Open the block's add this page form, optionally customize the page title, click add - done.
  • Recall a favorite: Well, just click it!
  • Delete a favorite: Click the related x.
  • Edit a favorite: Just recall, delete, save again.

Similar modules

The flag module covers a similar functionality, but with a different storage approach (node/entity based). If you need to store arbitrary URLs with varying queries, favorites is your choice. If you need deep integration with common contrib APIs, rather check out flag.


Drupal 8
Thanks to madan879, we have a draft which still needs review but looks promising. Please support by testing and commenting.
Drupal 7
2.x is the stable D7 branch.
Drupal 6
Bug fixes as long as Drupal 6 is officially supported, end of support afterwards.


Project information
