Image showing the drop-button with options to create media for a given file
Screenshot of the form for adding a new media entity from an existing image


File To Media gives content-editors a simple way to create new Media entities from existing Files.


  • Download and install the module like normal
  • Edit the view at admin/content/files provided by core
  • Add the 'File to Media links' field to the view
  • Now for any files shown in admin/content/files that are not associated with a media entity, and where the user has permission to create media entities of that type - there will be a drop button allowing you to create media of that type.
  • These links take the user to a form where a media-entity has been pre-created to reference the given file.


Requires the Media, File and Views modules from core.

Known problems

Please use the issue queue to report issues.

Supporting organizations: 
Development time

Project information
