What's the recommended way to create a stacked list of links (like you see on the home page of many mobile sites), the type that have an icon and text, and link to internal pages? I've got superfish installed, but I'm not thinking this is a menu situation. Is it simply a matter of creating the list (via views), then tailoring them in the custom css? In other words, would I do this the way I would have done it years ago in Drupal 6 for a desktop screen -- or does a footheme widget already exist for such a thing? It's such a classic "mobile look" that I figured I'd better ask before reinventing the wheel.

(I'm using "AT Commerce" as the sub-theme)


khosman’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
Jeff Burnz’s picture

I would use Views and theme it.

It just depends, for links that basically never change you can hard code in a block also, or even directly in page.tpl.php etc, all are valid methods, with pro's and cons etc, whatever works for your situation.

khosman’s picture

Thanks! I went ahead and created a superfish menu and when the screen is made smaller, it automatically turns into the correct look I need. I also invoked the "mobile menu toggle," (using at core > at commerce > footheme) -- but I can't seem to get the title to appear (that is "the toggle switch") -- even though I do have a title set for the block.

I see the following in the resulting css (h2 tag):
"class="element-invisible block-title element-invisible">BlockTitle"

Disabling those classes will cause the heading to display -- but no click is possible. I'm guessing some js wasn't connected properly by me somewhere along the way. Can you point me in the right direction?

Footheme 7.x-3.0-rc1 (default theme)
AT Commerce 7.x-3.0 (disabled)
AT Core 7.x-3.2 (disabled)

Jeff Burnz’s picture

Ah, yes, Footheme needs updating, that is the problem here. Theres a bit of code in foothemes template.php file that adds the extra element-invisible class which has to be removed.