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Fotonotes – collection of scripts for annotating images. Fotonotes is very simple. Only 2 steps and all done. First, you have to select a part of image and write comment linked to selected part. Next, when user place mouse cursor over noted part of image, desire note will be showed. In such a way very convenient to select friends on collective photos, or components of complex schemes. This feature is common used, for example, on website.


  • Fotonotes module integrates with Image module. It adds tab "Edit fotonotes" for all images. You may add notes for choosed image using that tab.
  • Access control system allows to customize note permissions for any image. For example, moderators will may add-delete-edit notes for all images, advanced users will may add-delete their own notes for all images, but simple users will may add notes only for their images.
  • Also, any amount of images with notes may be added into any content using bb-code [inotе=%] (sign “%” is replacing with nid-picture includes notes).
  • There was error correction for Cyrillic fonts implemented.

Project information
