Freelinking provides a filter framework for easier creation of HTML links to other pages on your site or to external sites.

The framework uses a wiki style markup to identify links in the form of [[indicator:target]].


The following markup [[nodetitle:Page One]] becomes

<a href="/node/1" title="Page One"
  class="freelink freelink-nodetitle freelink-internal">Page One</a>

Freelinking currently supports the following links:

  • Local nodes by title.
  • Local nodes by nid.
  • Local paths by path.
  • Local files in the public files directory by file name.
  • Local user profiles by uid or user name.
  • Local search for a string.
  • pages by nid.
  • projects by project name.
  •,,,, and pages by page title.
  • Google search for a string.

Implementing new freelinking formats

Freelinking has an extensible framework (based upon plugins) that can be used to create new freelinking formats. Developers may use this to create special linking formats for custom sites.

If you create a format you think others may want to use, please create a new issue ("Contributed plugin ...") and upload the plugin code to the project's issue queue. It will be included as a plugin with the next release if it passes community review.


  • Advanced help hint:
    Required to link help text to online help and advanced help (Drupal 7 only).

Recommended modules

  • Advanced help:
    When this module is enabled, you will have access to extended online help.

Related modules

  • Included in the package is the Freelinking Prepopulate submodule that provides a prepopulated link to create content if the content with the node title linked to does does not already exist. This submodule requires Prepopulate.

Support Status

The Drupal 7 version is no longer actively maintained, but bugs for the Drupal 7 version that are RTBC will be fixed in a timely manner. Older versions are no longer supported.

The Drupal 8.x-3.x is no longer supported as Drupal 8-9 is out-of-support.

The Drupal 4.0.x release is supported for Drupal 10 or higher.

Community support in the form of patches are welcome for supported Drupal releases, and will be given priority. For QA, the project needs community support in the form of reviews of patches, development versions and releases.

The maintainers hope that the community is willing to help out by answering & closing support requests.


Any help with development (patches, reviews, comments) are welcome.

Supporting organizations: 
Maintains Drupal 8+ releases

Project information
