Fusion Mobile theme

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Fusion Mobile is a Fusion Core subtheme designed for creating a custom theme targeting mobile devices. By using a separate subtheme, you can control your theme settings and block layout/contents specifically for mobile devices.

Really important note: December 2011

Responsive layout support has now been committed to a Drupal 7 branch of Fusion. Individual layouts (e.g. tablet landscape vs smartphone) will be able to be toggled on/off on a per-subtheme basis, and most functionality of Fusion Mobile is already covered in this branch. Thus, this project for Drupal 7 will no longer be supported, instead recommending the responsive option in Fusion itself.


  • Simple region layout in a single column
  • Fluid layout supports a variety of devices/orientations
  • Works on devices down to a 300px wide screen
  • Skinr/Fusion integration for (simplified) layout controls in Drupal's UI
  • Built in support for touch icons (Apple and Android devices)
  • Uses a region for primary menu so you can customize your menu on mobile
  • Prevents images from overflowing screen width
  • Includes helpful CSS skeleton for fast theming
  • Supported by the awesome TopNotchThemes team :)


  1. Download Fusion from http://drupal.org/project/fusion
  2. Download Fusion Mobile from http://drupal.org/project/fusion_mobile
  3. Install the Skinr module: http://drupal.org/project/skinr
  4. Follow the instructions in the README to build your own Fusion Mobile theme

Mobile theme switching

We recommend the Mobile Tools module to switch to your mobile theme when a mobile device is detected: http://drupal.org/project/mobile_tools

Mobile Tools also provides integration with other modules to change your site's URL, node displays, settings, Panels, permissions and more when browsing with a mobile device.

Project information
