The Group SAML (gsaml) module allows you to manage group permissions based on a selected user attribute. The module makes use of the following configurations: an array of the user attributes, an array of group roles and an array of terms. It then creates a group for each term. The combination of groups with roles creates a matrix which is filled with the strings from the user entity.

Therefore it is possible to manage user access to content and media by taxonomy term.


  • Associate content and media to Group's by taxonomy term
  • Associate user membership to Group's according to a user attribute
  • Associate Terms with group roles
  • Configuration for vocabulary
  • Configuration for group type
  • Configuration for user attribute
  • Configuration for fields related to vocabulary

- Group
- Group Media
- simpleSAMLphp Authentication


The configuration page can be found in/admin/group/saml.

First you need to:

  1. Create a vocabulary
  2. Create a group type
  3. Create a entity reference field in the group type (2) related to vocabulary (1)
  4. Go to /admin/group/types/manage/{group_type}/content and install in the Content you intent to be controled by groups
  5. Create a entity reference field in the contents selected in (4) related to vocabulary (1)
  6. Create a Text(plain, long) field in user where shpuld be save users ADFS roles

Now you can select all this fields in the config form and fill the matix which provide the association between user ADFS roles and the terms/roles.

If your site has already content created, we recommend to:

  1. Click "Associate group with term"
  2. Click "Associate content"
  3. Click "Associate members"

Always select "Save Configuration" before using any of these options.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
