Google Analytics real time events report
Intelligence enabled content admin
Site scorecard report
scorecard report 2
dashboard report
top visitor report
visitor clickstream

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The Intelligence module integrates advanced analytics directly into your Drupal site. It extends Google Analytics tracking with configurable events, page attributes and visitor attributes. It leverages this data to provide a set an enhanced analytics reports integrated into Drupal's admin. The goal is to help web teams truly understand what web efforts are effective what which are not.

To learn more visit the LevelTen Intelligence overview.

How it works

Intelligence is essentially a module that integrates data and features from several different sources. It’s primary source of data is Google Analytics that is enhanced via LevelTen Intelligence (L10Intel). L10Intel is an API and code library that encodes extended data into Google Analytics and produces reports from that data.

The Intelligence module acts as an interface between Drupal and L10Intel. It provides default configuration and facilitates customization via Drupal’s admin and programming hooks. It also provides the wrapper to bring L10Intel reports into Drupal.

Installation & docs


Intelligence requires the following Drupal modules:

PHP 5.3 or above is also required.

An L10Intel API key and the L10Intel code libraries are also required. The libraries are free and there is a free version of the API.


  • jQuery Update - It is recommended to upgrade the version of jQuery to at least 1.5


LevelTen Logo
This module is sponsored and developed by LevelTen Interactive. LevelTen is a full service interactive agency focused on building online brands by integrating digital strategy, Drupal development and internet marketing. Feel free to connect with us on Twitter and Facebook

If you would like to learn how to build smarter marketing websites with Drupal, checkout the Drupal Site Success! ebook

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Project information
