jQuery AJAX Load is an helper module for easy loading any content using build in jQuery load function.

Just enable the module and add class .jquey_ajax_load to any link, URL content (without other regions) will be loaded on #jquery_ajax_load_target element. Those classes and id could be personalized to your needs. Target element coould be set on a per-link basis using the data-target attribute to define a valid jQuery ID.

Optionally css and js files could be loaded or not. Loading those files has an effect on performance, so load those only if needed.

It comes with a set of modules that uses the functionality for:

The content loaded could be either:

  • The content part of any URL.
  • Any entity under a personalized view mode. Actually done for nodes, could be extended to any entity with a few lines of code
  • A personalized function.

Aditional features include:

  • jQuery show/hide effect for loaded content.
  • Toogle function.

This module includes a sub-module that manipulates NODE entity types under a jQuery ajax load view mode. This module could be use as a base for your own manipulations of any entities. The callback could be as simple or complex to fit your requierements.

Mantainers of this module:


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Development Factory Group

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