I've got everything set up correctly, the flash player loads and when I've uploaded a mov file the movie loads and when I click play it plays in the node.

I upload a wmv file and the flash player loads but when I click on play what I get is:

Connecting to media...

This comes up repeatedly each time I try to play the WMV file.

This is the code: <embed width="320" height="240" autostart="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/" type="application/x-ms-wmp" src="http://www.domain.org/system/files/videos/PSA_attendance.wmv" style="display: block;"/>

This is the code for the mov files that work:<embed width="320" height="240" autoplay="false" bgcolor="#ffffff" pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/" src="http://www.domain.org/system/files/videos/PSA_Education.mov" style="display: block;"/>

I was using the video module prior to this and was able to display wmv files using the flash player so I know my browsers are set up for it.

Any idea?


lias’s picture

I've found out that the error code is C00D07E2 - ASF_E_INVALIDHEADER

I've googled it and found not much in the way of resolutions. This page tells me to check my sound device but it's fine and like I said, I have been able to play wmv files using the video module but not with jquery_media: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/webhelp/default.asp...

I know the file isn't corrupted because when I load it from the directory where it resides it plays.

I'm quite stumped.

The C00D07E2 also refers to: The specified stream type is not recognized. (Error=C00D07E2)

It's the embed code that doesn't seem to work because when the wmv isn't embedded and accessed directly it starts to download.

More... Both IE and Firefox do not load the movie when embedded. The player displays, no movie.