Kalastatic is a static site framework for prototyping, style-guiding and building out CMS-less websites. This module integrates Kalastatic with Drupal.


For a prototype to be truly alive, it must co-exist with the dynamic assets generated by the CMS. When the user installs a module in Drupal, CSS and JS should be brought into the prototype context for regression testing on components and templates.

Conversely, the prototype as a canonical style guide should be pulled into the CMS. This approach ensures a portable and agnostic approach to design, and eases portability across multiple systems – avoiding re-implementation, and centralizing maintenance.


  • Provides pretty paths at /kalastatic
  • Permissions for viewing your protoype
  • A configurable path to Kalastatic resources


In theory, none. In practice, this modules does nothing without Kalastatic, which we recommend residing inside your subtheme. We of course recommend Kalatheme as a base theme.


  1. Use Composer to install the module:
    composer require 'drupal/kalastatic:^3.0@alpha'
  2. Visit the Modules administration page at /admin/modules
  3. Enable the Kalastatic module
  4. Visit the Kalastatic configuration page at /admin/config/kalastatic
  5. Update the path to reference your Kalastatic build path
  6. Visit /admin/people/permissions to configure which user should have access to the prototype
  7. Visit /kalastatic to see your Kalastatic prototype
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