This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module is Basic Koken Public API PHP implementation.

Koken is a free system designed for photographers, designers, and creative DIYs to publish independent websites of their work.

It allows you to query, with the Views module, against a public Koken API.


Install the koken module as any other drupal module.
This module need to grab datas from a Koken install, it won't do anything
if you don't use Koken.

See for more informations about Koken.


The module provides a set of views query plugin and handlers.

To be able to query against a Koken install, you need to provide the koken uri
in the "Query settings" of the views (it is under the "advanced" column).

Quick note about the koken_example_views module.

This example module provides 3 examples views.

  • "Koken example album":
    This view display the public albums that are present in Koken.
  • "Koken example content":
    This view should be use with an argument.[Album-ID]
    This will display all the picture that belongs to the Album-ID parameter
  • "Koken example single content":[Content-ID]
    This is a page that display a single image grabbed from the Koken install.
    This page takes, as an argument, the content ID (image ID) that you want to display.

Project information

  • Module categories: Integrations
  • Created by Haza on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
