Lightning Layout provides modules and configuration for great layout authoring experiences. It uses core's Layout Builder to enable a drag-and-drop experience when laying out pages.

Lightning Layout 3.0.1

WARNING: Lightning Layout 3.0.1 drops all hard dependencies on contributed modules, as well as all previous update paths. Read the release notes before upgrading to it, or you may break your site!


Lightning Layout's components are not enabled by default. You can install them like any other Drupal modules.

Landing Page (lightning_landing_page)

Provides a minimal "Landing page" content type which is configured out of the
box to be customizable using the core layout builder.


Lightning Layout and its components use the normal Drupal database update system
as often as possible. However, there are occasionally certain updates which touch configuration and may change the functionality of your site. These updates are optional, and are performed by a special utility at the command line. This utility is compatible with Drush 9 or later.

To run updates using Drush:

drush update:lightning
Supporting organizations: 
Sponsor of development, support, and maintenance

Project information
