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The Location Migration module provides migration path for the data managed by the Drupal 7 Location module.

The Drupal 7 Location module allows users to store locations in a location field (location_cck submodule), and also directly for node, taxonomy_term and user entities (with location_node, location_taxonomy and location_user submodules).

With location_email, location_fax, location_phone and location_www submodules, the data stored for a location can be extended with additional email, fax number, telephone number and www address properties.

Location Migration migrates the data managed by the Drupal 7 Location module to Address and Geolocation fields. Location emails are migrated into a Drupal 9 core email field, location fax and phone numbers are migrated into Drupal 9 core telephone fields, and location URLs are migrated into a Drupal 9 core link fields.


How Location Migration works

For location data stored in a field,

  • The original location field type gets mapped to address field, and every address-like location property is migrated into this address field.
  • Non-empty geographical coordinates are migrated into a new geolocation field with _geoloc field name suffix.
  • When location_email is enabled on the source site, the email addresses stored for a location will be migrated into a new email field with _email field name suffix. The email field type is available in Drupal 8/9 by default.
  • When location_fax is enabled on the source site AND the telephone field type is available on the destination site (core Telephone module), the fax number of a location will be migrated into a new telephone field with _fax field name suffix.
  • If location_phone is enabled on the source site AND the telephone field type is available on the destination site, the telephone number stored for a location will be migrated into a new telephone field (_phone field name suffix).
  • When location_www is enabled on the source site AND the link field type is available on the destination site (core Link module), the www address stored for a location will be migrated into a new link field (_url field name suffix).

For location data stored directly for node, taxonomy_term and user entities, Location Migration basically repeats the same what it does for the location fields, but the name of the (this time new) address field, and the base name of the additional fields will be location_node location_taxonomy_term and location_user, accordingly. If this entity location was configured to
store multiple locations, the new field's name will have an additional _<cardinality> suffix as well.

Location Migration wants to migrate as much data as possible. If you don't need any of the additional fields, you can delete them after the migration was executed.

Supporting organizations: 
Founding and initial development

Project information
