Material Admin Support Add Media FAB screenshot
Material Admin Support Add Content FAB screenshot
Material Admin Support Content Browser screenshot
Material Admin Support Media Browser screenshot

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module provides functionality for the Material Admin theme that must be done in a module. It is not required for using Material Admin, but is recommended for a fully featured experience.

Active development is done at:


Material Admin Theme. This is technically a "soft" dependency because we cannot require a theme as a real Drupal dependency, so you will need to manually install, enable, and set it to handle admin pages.

This module only explicitly depends on Type Style, which is a module that allows colors and icons to be associated with arbitrary entity types.


  1. A custom floating action button (FAB) at /admin/content and /admin/content/media that takes over the normal local tasks, allowing quick creation of content.
  2. Sensible defaults for Type Style, when used with the Node and Media Entity modules. If Type Style Moderation is enabled, defaults will be applied to Moderation States/Transitions as well.
  3. Customizations for Content Browser, including a custom template for the Content Browser view mode and better defaults for the included View.
  4. Customizations for Lightning Media, including a custom template for the Media Browser view mode and better defaults for the included View.
  5. A Material Icon picker, which is already enabled for Type Style but can be added to any textfield with a form_alter.

Recommended modules

The features listed above are only enabled if the dependent modules (Media, Content Browser, etc.) are installed before this module is installed. Unless you're already using Lightning, we suggest that you enable the following modules before installing Material Admin Support to get the best Drupal experience possible:

  1. Type Style Moderation
  2. Moderation Sidebar
  3. Content Browser
  4. Media Entity
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