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Allows you to show a modified (normally just a title and summary) version of a node to anonymous and logged in users who you don't want to allow to see the full content of the node.

The module utilizes a checkbox field which can be applied to each content type individually - via a unified admin screen. This checkbox will then appear in the published tab on the node edit/create screen.

The second portion is a new display mode for each content type which allows you to set which fields appear (and in what format each field appears in) to a non-member.

Finally, member status is determined via a permission string. If the user does not have the permission they will see the view mode for non-members, otherwise they will see the full version. This way you can have logged in people who are not members.

I have tried to make the content as mutable and extendable as possible, as I can't see a good way to cover all the cases of what people might want to put in there. Currently, the extra content can have a login form for non-logged in users, and some html above and below - for logged in users its simple html.

My hope is that if you need something else for a site you will simply create a small customization module (or put it in a feature) and implement the alter hook I provide for the content.

This module is under development, and may contain bugs. More to come. Please use the issue queue.


This project is sponsored by Phase2 Technology.

Project information
