Security scans indicate the possibility of security risks due to improper usage of functions like fetchObject() in db_query.

// This is a tall table mapping legacy URLs to source_id and migration_name.
// If you can already know the migration name and source_id based on the URI,
// then the first lookup is not needed.
$uri_table = variable_get('migrate_source_uri_table', 'migrate_source_uri_map');

if ($uri_map = db_query("SELECT migration_name, source_id FROM $uri_table WHERE source_uri = :source_uri", array(':source_uri' => $source_uri))->fetchObject()) {
  // Hurray, we do recognize this URI.
  // Consult migrate_map_x table to determine corresponding Drupal nid/tid/cid/etc.
  $map_table = 'migrate_map_' . drupal_strtolower($uri_map->migration_name);


  static public function getInstance($machine_name, $class_name = NULL, array $arguments = array()) {
    $migrations = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
    // Otherwise might miss cache hit on case difference
    $machine_name_key = drupal_strtolower($machine_name);
    if (!isset($migrations[$machine_name_key])) {
      // See if we know about this migration
      $row = db_select('migrate_status', 'ms')
        ->fields('ms', array('class_name', 'group_name', 'arguments'))
        ->condition('machine_name', $machine_name)
      if ($row) {
        $class_name = $row->class_name;


  static public function getInstance($name, $dependencies = array()) {
    if (empty(self::$groupList[$name])) {
      $row = db_select('migrate_group', 'mg')
        ->condition('name', $name)
      if ($row) {
        $arguments = unserialize($row->arguments);


SachinT1996 created an issue.