This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This is a small helper module which will automatically lazyload all nodes for sites with multiple nodes on a page, which will make the site load faster.

All nodes will only load when it's visible to the browser window. Similar to Block Lazyloader but this time it's the node content.

Available Settings:
1) Enable/Disable
2) Node Content Class - your theme's node content class, ex. content, node-content, etc. (the content of this container will be lazyloaded)
3) Distance - node's distance from the viewable browser window before the actual node content loads
4) Loader Icon - animating icon (shamelessly borrowed from ajaxblocks module)
5) Excluded Nodes - nodes which will not use node lazyloader
6) Excluded Pages - page paths to be excluded from node lazyload

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Promet Source, an Acquia Drupal partner company
Daniel Honrade, author

Project information
