Node Picker UI. Second image shows exposed filters.

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This project is looking for a new maintainer. Please post in the issue queue if you are interested.

Please see LinkIt and LinkIt Picker for actively developed replacement for Node Picker.

Please use the following module to MIGRATE YOUR LINKS from Node Picker format: Node Picker Migrate.

This is a rewrite of the module TinyMCE Node Picker that aims to support additional editors besides TinyMCE. In the current ALPHA release TinyMCE, FCKEditor and CKEditor are supported. Support for additional editors such as openWYSIWYG and YUI Editor will be added if there is a demand for it.

Node Picker

Node Picker provides a button in supported editors that displays a list of links to content. Choosing a link inserts it into the editor.

The module includes template files which can be edited for your theme, but should not require theming to display correctly.

It also creates two views called nodepicker_nodes and nodepicker_taxonomy which can be edited to change the results that the link picker displays.

Node Picker uses a input filter for outputing future proof links.

This module is a great match with Image Browser for a superior link and image handling experience.

State of development

Still left to do:

  • Support for exposed filters in the UI
  • Support for CKEditor
  • Module settings
  • Support multiple menus


Know problems

  • Pager does not display correct when using the Tao base theme.

Version 2.x

In the 2.x branch Node picker no longer makes use of an input filter. Instead we have opted for the use of an existing module to accomplish the same behavior, Pathologic. The 2.x branch is still in development and there is no upgrade path from 1.x at this time. For more information on why we are removing the input filter please see #819512: Use <a>-tags (instead of custom tags/tokens) and do NOT use URL aliases.


This module is sponsored by Happiness and Bucketworks.

Supporting organizations: 
Developer time.

Project information
