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This module add the ability to use the Feature Popups extension for OpenLayers created by Xavier Mamano.
OL FeaturePopups wraps the management of popups and SelectFeature control of OpenLayers.
It works perfectly with OL, with or without the cluster behavior.

Features for Drupal 7

This module provides:

  • A new behavior for OpenLayers Maps.

Each type of popup can be customized through JS theme functions.
More details about it in the next releases.


The v1.0.0 of the OLFP is bundled into the module, so you don't need to download an extra library.
Nevertheless, if you want to use your own version, you can use download the Ol Feature Popups extension in sites/all/libraries and the module will use this prior to the one bundled in the module.

Module requirements:

Project information
