This module is a javascript-framework-agnostic, progressive decoupling tool to allow custom blocks to be written by front end developers in the javascript framework of their choice, without needing to know any Drupal API's.

It keeps individual components encapsulated in their own directories containing all the css, js, and template assets necessary for them to work, and using an info.yml file to declare these components and their framework dependencies to Drupal.

Framework Submodules (Vue, React, Angular, etc)

The Vue submodule is currently the most actively developed and available here: Decoupled Blocks: Vue.js.

The Angular 2 implementation had the most development originally. There is also a really basic React implementation, and a "hello world" example component is provided.

Similar Modules

  • Component - This is a conceptual fork of PDB but does not require using submodules.
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Project information
