This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module packages and distributes projects hosted on GitHub in a manner compatible with Drupal Core's update module and drush's package management system. As long as you maintain your project on GitHub using the same branch and release tag naming conventions used for projects on, those projects will be registered, re-packaged, and available via your website.

Hypothetical end-to-end workflow

  1. Create a new project on GitHub called your_drupal_extension and push up your initial code, tagged with a release 7.x-1.0
  2. drush dl your_drupal_extension --source=
  3. Make changes to your_drupal_extension on GitHub, push a new release tag like 7.x-1.1
  4. drush upc your_drupal_extension


For a list of dependencies and installation instructions, see the latest README.

Project information
