Provides an API for the 3rd-party Quail Library to drupal modules. Quail API is a complete rewrite of parts of the Drupal 6 project called "Accessible Content".

The Quail Library is a 3rd-party PHP project located at: and This 3rd-party libary provides accessiblity validation for common web-accessiblity standards, such as: Section 508 and WCAG 2. Unlike other web accessiblity scanners, such as WAVE (, the Quail Library includes context-specific validation. This validation is a double-edged sword in that it helps catch and identify far more violations to a given standard but at the cost of producing more false positives.

The Accessible Content module in which this module was based off of was written by Kevin Miller. The mentioned project may be found on drupals website at The original feature request for a drupal 7 version of the Accessible Content module may be found on drupals website at

This module has the following dependencies:

You can download the Quail Library 1 from here:

There are a quite a lot of changes with the 2.x version of quail-lib. To support this, substantial rewriting of this module is needed and is currently being discussed.

#D7AX - I pledge to make this module as accessible as it can be. If you find any flaws, please submit an issue. Help me fix them if you can.

A Drupal 8 version is being actively developed.
This page will be updated upon completion.

Project information
