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If you are new to RDF, watch this introduction.

Drupal 7

Drupal 7 core includes an RDF module which outputs RDFa. If you want to learn more about RDF in core, see the documentation. This RDF Extensions module will add several additional features on top of the core RDF module. It includes the following modules:

  • RDFx: extends core RDF support by providing extra APIs and additional serialization formats such as RDF/XML, NTriples, Turtle... (requires the RESTful Web Services module). Browse to node/1.rdf or node/1.nt to export RDF.
  • RDF UI: allows site administrators to specify the RDF mappings via a user interface
  • Evoc: user interface to import vocabularies which can be used in RDF UI


This project requires the Entity API module.

Related projects

Download the following modules to avail more RDF features:


#1159104: Create a more generic RDF UI mapping tool
#1199472: Extend core RDF mappings to support compound fields
#1296814: Help to remove imported libraries and cleanup automated rdf mappings


This project is currently maintained by Stéphane Corlosquet. Past maintainer: Lin Clark.

Project information
