
Recruiter is a Drupal distribution for building Drupal based e-recruitment platforms. Users can register either as recruiter and post job classifieds or they can register as applicants and fill out their resume. A faceted search helps users to find jobs and possible job candidates.


Main features provided by the Recruiter features module.

  • Recruiter job: publish jobs by providing the URL of an existing job, uploading a PDF or creating a new job ad. Based on three content types.
  • Recruiter job search: allows applicants to search and browse through jobs using facetted search. Based on Search API, Facet API, Facet API Pretty Paths, Context and Flag.
  • Recruiter job search notifications: save any search criteria and stay up to date with job notifications via mail. Based on Search API saved searches.
  • Recruiter job application: allow applicants to submit applications for jobs. This will give the recruiter access to the applicant's private profile information. Based on Rules, ACL and Message.
  • Recruiter resume: create in-depth resumes that contain personal information, education, work experience and job preferences of applicants. Based on Entity, Profile2, Field Collection, Autocomplete Deluxe and Term Level Field.
  • Recruiter resume search: allows recruiters to search for resumes similarly to the Recruiter job search feature.
  • Recruiter resume search notifications: allows recruiters to save searches similarly to the Recruiter job search notifications feature.
  • Recruiter admin: supports administrative tasks of the content admin.

Additional features provided by the Recruiter features module.

  • Recruiter common: infrastructure, APIs and shared taxonomies for the recruiter platform.
  • Recruiter register: allow users to register as recruiter or applicant.
  • Recruiter search: provides a default integration with the Search API Database Search backend.
  • Recruiter solr server (recruiter_search_solr): allows for scalable searches with Apache Solr based on the Search API Solr search backend.

Recruiter ships with a mobile-first, reponsive base theme.

  • Cloudy: theme based on Omega 4.x.
  • Recruiter cloudy: includes tweaks for the theme as exported block classes and alter hook implementations.
  • Recruiter menu: positions the required blocks into the navigation region.


Please follow the installation instructions as noted in README.txt.

Web Sites using Recruiter


Maintained and developed by epiqo.
We also provide a SaaS variant of Recruiter: jobiqo.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information

  • caution Minimally maintained
    Maintainers monitor issues, but fast responses are not guaranteed.
  • caution Maintenance fixes only
    Considered feature-complete by its maintainers.
  • chart icon8 sites report using this distribution
  • Created by fago on , updated
  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    Look for the shield icon below.
