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Registry on steroids (ROS) discovers and adds additional theme preprocess/process functions for theme hook variants, if theme() is called with a variant name. E.g. for theme('node__article__teaser', ..), it will call functions like MYTHEME_preprocess_node__article__teaser() and MYTHEME_preprocess_node__article() in addition to MYTHEME_preprocess_node().

Without this module, only the process/preprocess functions of the base hook will be called, when a theme hook variant is executed. E.g. for theme('node__article__teaser'), only the preprocess and process functions for 'node' are called. See #2563445 in the issue queue for Drupal 7.

The module only has en effect if the theme hook is called with a variant hook name. It does not work for theme hook suggestions added to the $variables array.

Background: Theme hook variants

A “theme hook variant” is a specialized version of a base theme hook, with a suffix like “__$x”, that is executed instead of the base hook in specific cases.

Based on such theme hook variants, it might execute a specific template node--article--teaser.tpl.php, if such a template exists in the active theme or in a module. Otherwise it will fall back to the parent or base template, e.g. node--article.tpl.php or node.tpl.php. Or, for theme functions, it might execute THEMENAME_menu_tree__main_menu() instead of the base function THEMENAME_menu_tree() or theme_menu_tree().

Drupal 7 has 4 ways of invoking theme hook variants:

  1. The theme() function can be called with an array of theme hooks, instead of a single theme hook, e.g. theme(array('node__article__teaser', 'node__article', 'node'), ..).
  2. The theme() function can be called with a hook name containing double underscores, e.g. theme('node__article__teaser'). Drupal will try different substrings of the specified hook, until it finds an existing registered theme hook variant.
  3. The theme() function can be called with theme hook suggestions in the $variables array, e.g. theme('node', $variables) with $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'] === array('node__article__teaser', 'node__article').
  4. After the theme() function is called, possibly with just the base hook 'node', preprocess functions can register an array of theme hook names or theme hook variant names in $variables['theme_hook_suggestions']. Later, these suggestions will be used to determine which template should be rendered, or which theme function should be executed.

The last is currently the most common way to invoke theme hook variants in Drupal 7.

In the theme registry, a theme hook variant is an entry with an $info['base hook'] setting, pointing to another theme hook. E.g. the entry for 'node__article__teaser', if it exists, would have $registry['node__article__teaser']['base hook'] === 'node'.

The base theme hooks themselves, e.g. 'node', do not have a 'base hook' setting.

Background: (Pre)process functions

Before calling the theme function or including the template, theme() will execute a series of preprocess and process functions registered for this theme hook. The functions are discovered based on their function name in a clearly defined order, but this array can be modified by modules with hook_theme_registry_alter().

E.g. for theme('node', ..), all existing functions like template_preprocess_node(), MYMODULE_preprocess_node() or MYTHEME_preprocess_node() will be executed.

Some modules use hook_theme_registry_alter() to register additional functions for specific theme hooks, e.g. Display Suite registers a function ds_entity_variables() as a preprocessor for all entity theme hooks.

When calling a theme hook variant like theme('node__article__teaser', ..), only the base hook preprocess functions like MYTHEME_preprocess_node() are executed. Variant preprocess functions like MYTHEME_preprocess_node__article__teaser() are not discovered and not called.

The variant preprocess functions used to work (more or less) in Drupal 6, so this could be seen as a regression in Drupal 7.

This module

This module modifies the theme registry in the following way:

  • Entries for base hooks are not changed.
  • Existing entries for variants, e.g. if a template like node--article--teaser.tpl.php was discovered, are modified so that variant-specific preprocess and process functions are called in addition to those of the base hook. Functions that were added by contrib modules, like ds_entity_variables added by Display Suite, are preserved, as if the module had added the function on the variant itself.
  • New variant entries are created for discovered preprocess/process functions where an entry does not exist yet. E.g. if a preprocess function MYTHEME_preprocess_node__webform__full is found, then a new entry for $registry['node__webform__full'] and $registry['node__webform'] will be created, even if no template like node--webform--full.tpl.php or node--webform.tpl.php exists.
  • Provides a configuration form where you can enable or disable the theme_debug option available since Drupal 7.33.
  • Provides an option to enable the rebuild of the registry at each page load.

Submodule “registryonsteroids_alter”

Currently hidden and in development, this submodule modifies render arrays in multiple Drupal places so that $element['#theme'] refers to a hook variant instead of a base hook.

Without this, the base module would have little effect.

E.g. When calling theme('node', [...]); to render a page node, this module will alter the render array and in the end,

theme('node__page__full', [...]); will be used instead to render the page.

This will allow themers and designers to use particular preprocess/process callbacks like the following in this order:

  • [HOOK]_preprocess_node();
  • [HOOK]_preprocess_node__page();
  • [HOOK]_preprocess_node__page__full();

And it will also provides multiple templates suggestions:

  • node--page--full.tpl.php
  • node--page.tpl.php
  • node.tpl.php


  • Manually: download the module and its dependencies
  • Composer: composer require drupal/registryonsteroids
  • Drush: drush en registryonsteroids


Sources & development

Github is used exclusively to host the sources and maintain the module.
Feel free to use the Github issue queue to report any bugs or ask for support.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
