This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy. provides a very neat service which allows your users to leave you audio or video comments on your blog. The interface lets your record the audio or video comment while on your site using the user's webcam and microphone if they have them. have a plugin available for Wordpress which I ported over to drupal. Their interface is very easy to use - the comments are stored on the riffly servers and accessed from their servers whenever the user selects play on your site.

There is no reason why this should be limited to comments only but not also let you as the blogger leave audio or video blog content on your site.

Use this thread to leave audio or video comments.. You can login with your username and password

To use:
1. type in a short text comment in the comment box
2. Click on the Add Audio or Video Comment link below.
3. record your video or audio comment - assuming you have a webcam and a microphone.
4. Click Stop when done
5. Save the recording
6. Save the comment

Supporting organizations: 
Contributed commits and support

Project information

  • caution Seeking new maintainer
    The current maintainers are looking for new people to take ownership.
  • caution No further development
    No longer developed by its maintainers.
  • Module categories: Content Editing Experience, Media, Integrations
  • Created by panis on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
