This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Exposes Salsa objects as entities to Drupal. Doing that allows close integration with various modules like Rules and Entity Reference.

The goal is to replace the public user interface of Salsa CRM completely, integrate it neatly into a Drupal website and allowing customizations through standard Drupal API's and concepts (e.g. hook_form_alter()).


(Work in progress, not everything is completely working yet)

  • Exposes a growing list of salsa objects within Drupal, including but not limited
    • Supporters
    • Groups
    • Signup pages
    • Donate Pages
    • Questionnaires
    • Tell a friend pages
    • Events
    • Petitions
    • Targeted Actions
    • Unsubscribe pages
  • The pages are displayed as forms which are then submitted to Drupal and the necessary actions are made through the API
  • All fields (including custom fields) are exposed as Entity properties
  • Rules integration
  • Entity reference integration, including support for the autocomplete widget
  • Self management, including profile information, donations, peer to peer donation pages and events. Supporters are found based on the e-mail address and connected through a user field, support for back-referencing the supporter to the Drupal UID through a Salsa custom Field
  • Similar to the Salsa Frontend, the supporter values of a form are kept in the session and other forms are automatially pre-filled.
  • Basic views integration through EntityFieldQuery Views. This allows to list, sort and filter salsa objects like supporters, events and similar.

Report any bugs in the issue queue!


Salsa Entity was built for D7. There will be no backport.

To use Salsa Entity you need to install and activate Salsa API.

Salsa Entity 7.x-1.x-dev and 7.x-1.0-beta1 requires at least Salsa API 7.x-1.0-beta1.


Similar Projects

  • Salsa Rules
    Provides rules integration through custom rules actions, 6.x only. This project integrates through entities and entity properties, allowing to create salsa entities, setting/getting values through standard actions/conditions.
  • Salsa
    Contains API within the main project, fetches supporter data into custom tables, 6.x only.
  • Salsa Supporters
    Self management based on Salsa API, also fetches supporter data into a custom table.
Supporting organizations: 
Initiation, Architecture, Implementation, Maintenance

Project information
