Sassy - Possessing the attitude of someone endowed with an ungodly amount of cool.

About this module

Sassy substitutions is a submodule for Sassy which adds a token & pattern replacement system to the Sassy compiler.

About Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (SASS)

Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It’s translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a web-framework plugin.

You can find out more at

Key features of this module

  • Allows a module or themes to define patterns or tokens to search for in a SASS / SCSS file and provide a replacement for any matches against that pattern / token automatically.
  • Tokens cover 90% of use cases, allowing you to write something like @token('background-color', '#fff') in your SASS / SCSS stylesheet and have it replaced by a PHP callback that could potentially fetch the value from a theme setting or user profile field while defaulting to #fff if the return value is NULL.
  • Patterns are more complex - A module or theme can provide a proper regex pattern to match against instead of just a token key. This allows much broader changes to the source, such as rewriting URLs to a CDN, or replacing css-based gradients with generated images.


This module depends on the Sassy module for parsing SASS / SCSS stylesheets.


This module is authored by Sebastian Siemssen (fubhy) and Richard Lyon (richthegeek) on behalf of Livelink New Media.

Project information
