This module provides an integer field formatter which outputs numbers with k as 1000 (thousand), m as million (1000000), b billion and t trillion. Being verbose there for anyone searching.

This is an implementation of the code found here so any fuzzy feelings or happy thoughts should be directed this-a-way:

This module is for use in Harmony Forum project.

Here are some examples:

1000 => 1k
5821 => 5.8k
10500 => 10.5k
101800 => 101.8k
2000000 => 2m
7800000 => 7.8m
92150000 => 92.1m
123200000 => 123.2m
9999999 => 9.9m
2600000000 => 2.6b
1135060000000 => 1.1t

Project information
