I have created a web site and am trying to figure out why the articles I would expect to appear in the Similar Entries module are not.

I have created a page here:

This node is about "eco-coolers". I have written 5 articles specifically with "eco-coolers" menitoned and related keywords for the module to pick up on.

This page shows that the articles exist:

Yet the module is only picking up on two of the "eco-coolers" articles and only one of them is a high result. The other articles seem completley unrelated when scanning through for keywords.

I would like to know in a bit more detail on how the module works out its search priority and if this can be controlled. ie I would like to put more weight on the title.


deekayen’s picture

It uses the natural language search capabilities documented at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/fulltext-search.html

The module submits the complete body and title of the currently viewed article to the match function. I don't have anything in mind that would be a good way to weight the results.

iancawthorne’s picture

Is there a way to print out some kind of info to show what keywords the module has picked up on? Like a debug mode.

deekayen’s picture

That would be nice. I'd have to research it cause I don't know of a way to do that.

iancawthorne’s picture

I commented out part of line 200 in similar.module so that (I think) the title is only used for the ordering. This appears to give results as I would expect:

$text = $node->title/. ' ' . $node->body;

changed to:

$text = $node->title/* . ' ' . $node->body*/;

deekayen’s picture

Title: How Similar Entries orders it's search results » Add options to match against just title or body
Category: support » feature

Yes, that's one way to do it I spose. If that's what you wanted, I'll keep this open as a feature request so that can be part of the official feature set in the next release.

deekayen’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (duplicate)

I know it's not exactly duplicate, but #73084: Support new fields in Drupal core is going to force design changes anyway.