Screenshot of a single attribute mapped
Screenshot of attribute mapping table

This module is a child module of simpleSAMLphp Authentication. It provides a user interface to map attributes from SAML login to user fields.

Attributes are mapped in 'Configuration' -> 'People' -> 'SimpleSAMLphp Auth Attribute Mapping'.

Once attributes are mapped the module calls the 'hook_simplesamlphp_auth_user_attributes' to save the values to a user's fields on login.

Attributes mapping uses friendly names like 'givenName' and 'sn' if configured in your SimpleSAMLphp setup. If friendly name is not configured then you will use oid's like 'urn:x'. Refer to your configuration.

This module is based on rael9's sandbox: SAML Auth Custom Attribute Mapping.

Supporting organizations: 
Some of author's time is available for community contribution. One of which is this module.
The author created the module as part of the projects created there.

Project information
