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Sassy System Stream Wrapper provides a function to call to create a SASS partial to be imported with functions to be called to get paths to modules, themes, and if Libraries API module is enabled, libraries.

Quick Start Instructions

  • Enable SSSW module.
  • In the module or theme you want to use SSSW in, add sssw = DEFAULT to your .info file.
  • Go to admin/config/development/sssw and press the "Rebuild SSSW Files" button.
  • Include the SSSW partial in your SASS file. By default, it will be in YOUR_MODULE_OR_THEME/sass/partials. The file is called _sssw.scss
  • Call either the sssw-theme, sssw-module, or the sssw-library function with the item's name and optional sub directory to get the absolute path to the requested item returned to you
    • Example Input: background-image: url(sssw-theme('bartik', 'images/buttons.png');
    • Example Output: background-image: url("/sites/themes/bartik/images/buttons.png");
  • If modules or themes are added, or you need to generate the files for new modules or themes, simply go back to admin/config/development/sssw and press the "Rebuild SSSW Files" button.

If you would like to change the path where the sssw partial will be placed, change the DEFAULT in sssw = DEFAULT to the relative path you want without trailing or preceding slashes. For instance, if you wanted the file to live in YOUR_MODULE/sass/global_partials/_sssw.scss, you would put this in your .info file: sssw = sass/global_partials.

Project information
