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Uses a PubSubHubbub implementation to syndicate content between any sites that also have this module, moderate incoming content, and publish. Currently supports two sites with identical content-types to share content between each other automatically.

The PubSubHubbub protocol allows for near-immediate updates from the publisher to the consumer, including updates to content. The consumer registers itself with the publisher automagickally when it initiates the first pull of content. The publisher will then ping all of its subscribers when syndicatable content has been created or modified. The consumer will pull in new content and make updates to existing consumed content, and put the new content into a moderation queue waiting for your editor's approval and placement of the content within the consumer site.

A great use case is creating a content hub for a series of stand-alone websites. They all subscribe to the content hub and publish to the hub, allowing all sites to pick and choose which content to use out of all of the websites combined.

View README for details.

Status: Ironing out the kinks. This was originally developed with a specific use case in mind, so I need to run through the code and extract all the specific use cases.

The Plan: Read details


Initial development sponsored by SAY Media, and developed by ceardach and the JustCoded team. Inspiration for the edge-use cases came when working with GoingOn and the Harvard News Office.


The user ceardach is no longer available. Please contact hefox if you need assistance.

Project information
