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Enables a range of additional features for taxonomy term pages.

Number of nodes per term page
Control how many nodes appear per page for each vocabulary.

Custom 'no results' text
Change the no results text on a per vocabulary basis.

Display child terms of the current term.
A new display field is added to taxonomy terms display settings screen allowing the child terms of the current term to be rendered. The view mode these child terms use to display can be set on a per vocabulary basis.

Display nodes from child terms.
When viewing a parent term you can optionally include any nodes that are attached to any child terms.

An option to show nodes attached to the term in the current users language only, you can also decide if untranslated nodes should also be displayed.

Sort nodes by weight
Allow nodes attached to taxonomy terms to be sorted by weight, this function uses the nodes weight which means that you cannot sort the same node in two separate taxonomies.


Install and enable the module then visit /admin/appearance/taxonomy_extras to configure the settings for each vocabulary.

Note: To access weight related functionality the weight module must be installed and enabled.

Project information
