Tealium: Enterprise Tag Management

The Tealium module for Drupal aims to provide an easy to manage interface and API for enabling Tealium enterprise tag management on Drupal powered web sites.

Development sponsored by Intrepid Group.


Once enabled and configured, the Tealium module for Drupal will add a Tealium Universal Tag to your content pages, so you can begin managing your third-party marketing and analytics tags through the Tealium iQ Management Console. The Tealium Drupal module's API allows you to easily send data about content being displayed from Drupal to Tealium using the Tealium Universal Data Objectutag_data.

The Drupal Tealium API currently supports:

  1. Multi-sites – allowing you to set a different Tealium account and/or profile per site
  2. Themeable output – customize the JavaScript output for Tealium using the Drupal theme system, allowing you to add extra custom JavaScript that manipulates the universal data object utag_data before it is sent to Tealium, or even change where it is written into the page
  3. Add data to the Tealium universal data object utag_data – set a Data Source value using the API call tealium_add_data($name, $value)
  4. Set custom Data Source values for link and view tracking events – define custom Tealium universal data object utag_data values that will be sent using the Tealium link tracking event utag.track("link", { }) or view tracking event utag.track("view", { })
  5. jQuery element event bindings – send a custom data set to Tealium when an event fires on a particular page element

What is Tealium

For more information on what Tealium is and what the Tealium iQ Management Console does, please refer to the:

  1. Tealium website
  2. Tealium Learning Community

Related modules

The following modules leverage the Tealium module's APIs to integrate with other Drupal site building tools:

  • Tealium Context
    Enables site administrators to add custom Tealium universal data object tags to sites using tokens and the context module without having to use hooks or code

Future plans

It is expected that other sub-modules and projects will leverage the APIs provided by the Tealium module to allow site editors to set Tealium data source values using popular Drupal content creation and administration tools - ie. Views, etc.

Usage example

Using the Drupal Tealium API, you could send the content-type of a node to Tealium in the Data Source named "page_type" like this:

 * Implements template_preprocess_node().
function THEME_preprocess_node(&$variables) {
  if (!path_is_admin(current_path()) 
      && isset($variables['page'])
      && isset($variables['node']->type)
  ) {
    $node_type = $variables['node']->type;
    $is_page = $variables['page'];
    if ($is_page && !empty($node_type)) {
      tealium_add_data('page_type', $node_type);

Similar modules

  • Tealium Tag Manager
    Adds a new custom hook implementation for adding tags in code that can then be output in a theme. Still under development (see Capgemini/tealium for latest updates) as at May 2015.
  • Qubit
    Provides similar API calls to Tealium but for the Qubit OpenTag enterprise tag management platform. The Qubit module aims to provide very similar API calls to Tealium and is still under development.

Project information
